Geriatric Rehab Community Conversation – 14 July 2022

Royal Perth Bentley Group (RPBG) are building a brand-new Geriatric Rehabilitation Service (Ward 12) based at Bentley Health Service.
Although the building and equipment have been arranged, the way the service is delivered is still being designed. With your help we hope to identify patients’ and their families’ priorities, so that we can build the best service of its kind in the state.
You are invited to a consumer workshop to inform the Rehabilitation Model of Care for the new service, hosted by staff from RPBG.
Event information
Thursday 14 July, 12.30pm to 2.30pm
Royal Perth Hospital’s Bruce Hunt Lecture Theatre, A Block
Please register for event via EventBrite (external link).
Proof of vaccination is required, and all attendees must wear a surgical mask. Masks will be supplied upon arrival.
Attendees will be provided an honorarium of $75 for their attendance.
What skills or experience do I need to attend?
The patients who will receive care on this new ward will be those requiring ortho-geriatric rehabilitation and/or general geriatric rehabilitation.
You need to have had personal experience as an inpatient in a Geriatric Rehab facility or cared for someone who has experienced such care.
You may have needed rehab after an orthopaedic surgery or other generalised acute care that required a stay in rehab. This does not include stroke or other neurological conditions.
Your experience does not have to be related to RPBG.
What am I expected to do?
Attendees will be asked to provide input on how we can best meet the needs of our patients, families, carers and support people, including:
- Communication methods (two-way)
- How best to conduct patient goal setting and setting expectations?
- Discharge support – what support is required, how this should be communicated and in what formats information should be given.
- What extra-curricular activities, beyond the hours of receiving therapy and rehabilitation, would enhance rehabilitation experiences?
Using your own lived experience, we would like your overall thoughts on what has worked well for you in the past, what needs improvement in orthopaedic and general Geriatric Rehab care and what opportunities are there to ensure this service provides the best care possible.