Priority of admission will be given to patients with the greatest medical needs. Patients will only be admitted under the care of doctors with admitting rights to Royal Perth Hospital.
Admission priorities criteria
Factors considered in determining the priorities for admission include:
- Medical needs
- other patients also requiring admission in the immediate future
- staffing levels
- availability of beds and other resources.
Admission will be determined on the following priority basis:
Emergency cases
Emergency cases will be assessed initially by Emergency Department medical staff.
Urgent elective admission
The designated heads of individual units will be responsible for ensuring the allocation of priorities for urgent elective admissions within that units allocated beds.
Non-urgent elective admission
Non-urgent elective patients will be admitted to the appropriate unit in chronological order of being placed on the waiting list.
Patient age
Please note that patients under the age of 12 and a half years will not be admitted to RPH with the exception of special circumstances with the authority of the Director of Clinical Services.
Single rooms
Single rooms will be allocated to patients on the basis of medical or nursing requirements, including:
- Isolation of infectious patients
- flexibility of ward management in the admission of patients of different genders.
Emergency Department GP advice and/or referrals
For GPs calling for emergency advice or to refer patients, please contact the ED Duty Officer.
Contact: Emergency Department Duty Officer
Phone: 9224 1676