Compassionate Wellbeing and Spiritual Care
“We are emotional and spiritual beings in amongst everything else that is going on for us.”
Whether you or your loved one is in hospital with a major life-changing or life-threatening experience, or you’re in hospital for an inconvenient minor procedure, you are likely to experience things which are disorienting and unpleasant.
A wellbeing and spiritual care officer can help you find comfort and meaning, a greater sense of wellbeing, and in many cases a deeper capacity for facing life’s challenges.
We are human beings just like you.
We will care for you as best suits your needs, regardless of your beliefs, culture, race, sexuality, or any other thing that makes you who you are.
We are on most wards of the hospital during the week and may introduce ourselves to you or you can ask any nurse to request a visit by one of us. We are also available for emergency situations.
The Chapel / Quiet Space
The Chapel / Quiet Space is always open and everyone is welcome to visit for quiet thought, meditation or prayer at any time.
Location: Level 3 (Victoria Square Level), C Block.
Salat / Muslim Prayer Space
The Salat / Muslim Prayer Space is open from 6.00am – 5:45pm.
Location: Level 2, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street.
For staff, please contact us during business hours for swipe access.
All other faith and spiritual traditions
We maintain a network of community partners who are willing to provide ritual and support that is meaningful within your tradition.
Let us know if you’d like someone from your tradition to visit you.