Safe Haven open from this weekend

The Safe Haven at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) will open its doors to consumers on Saturday (17 April), marking the start of an essential new EMHS service for those with mental health challenges.
Safe Haven is managed by the Mental Health Division within Royal Perth Bentley Group and care is provided by a peer support service through Ruah Community Service. It is a calm, gentle, quiet space where people can receive early intervention distress management and problem-solving support from both peer and clinical staff.
Ruah has significant experience in this space and has provided support to Western Australians for more than 60 years, helping more than 30,000 consumers each year. If you are distressed, lonely or isolated, Safe Haven is a safe place to:
- speak confidentially
- attend supportive group sessions on stress tolerance
- receive support without needing to present and wait unnecessarily in the Emergency Department.
Safe Haven will be open from 3pm to 7.45pm this Saturday and Sunday (17-18 April 2021). From 23 April 2021 Safe Haven will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3pm to 7.45pm.
The service is located in Victoria Square, opposite St. Mary's Cathedral. Look for the Safe Haven sign and press the intercom on the door to enter.
Visit the Safe Haven page or download the brochure to learn more about the service.