
Are you referring to the right service?

RPH is an Adult service.

Children and teens: Referrals for child and adolescent health services should be directed to Perth Childrens Hospital.

Country patients: Visit AHCWA MAPPA

Immediate Referrals

To arrange an urgent review or advice, please phone the RPH switchboard on 9224 2244 and ask to speak with the on-call registrar for Respiratory Medicine.

After verbal clinical handover and agreement with the registrar that the patient requires an appointment with RPH within 7 days please email the patient’s referral to:

Ensure the referral is:
- marked IMMEDIATE 
- the name of the registrar or consultant spoken with is written on the referral.
- all essential referral information, investigations, clinical photos are included.

IMMEDIATE (Appointment within 7 days):

Presenting Issue



Acute Pulmonary Embolism that is critically stable and started in anticoagulation


See Clinician Assist WA: Acute General Medicine Assessment (seen within 7 days)

Haemoptysis without known lung disease

Medium volume of haemoptysis as defined as expectoration of 30 to 200mls within 24 hours

Pleural disorders

Large pleural effusion +/- suspected malignancy with no hypoxia or respiratory distress

Suspected lung cancer/thoracic malignancy

Suspected primary thoracic cancer.

Nodule of any size associated with hilar lymphadenopathy, distal atelectasis, or pleural effusion.

Significant growth/change of a non-calcified pulmonary nodule on serial chest CT


The access criteria for some Respiratory Referrals require Lung Function testing to be completed and sent with the referral.

This helps the RPH clinicians to triage the referral more accurately.

Spirometry information can be found at 
Clinician Assist WA » Spirometry Testing and Evaluation

If you need to refer to another community provider to perform spirometry or other Respiratory function tests, visit Clinician Assist WA » Respiratory Function Testing.

Minimum Standard Referral is included in the standard Referral-form-templates and is available at Minimum-standards-for-outpatient-referrals-Central-Referral-Service.

Please ensure patient email and mobile phone numbers are included to enable contact with the patient.

Patients can be flagged for Video or Telephone consultations at referral, triage or follow-up.

Named referrals for Respiratory Medicine will be allocated a suitably qualified specialist to see the patient.

Note that these referrals are booked on a first on, first off principle from the outpatient waitlist.

Where appropriate and where available, Respiratory Medicine referrals may be streamed to an associated public allied health and/or nursing service.

Access to some specific services may include initial assessment and management by associated public allied health and/or nursing, which may either facilitate or negate the need to see the public medical specialist.

The following are not routinely provided in a public Respiratory Medicine service.



Respiratory function testing in absence of a consultation

See Clinician Assist WA: Spirometry Testing and Evaluation


Chest wall pain with normal chest CT

Consider referral to General Medicine or Chronic Pain Clinic


Non-cardiac chest pain with normal chest CT

Consider referral to most relevant specialty based on assessment


Occupation Fitness Assessment

Consider referral to physiotherapy if likely musculoskeletal in nature


Occupational asbestos related lung disease

 Significant asbestos exposure or asbestos related lung disease – see Asbestos Review Program (accepts state-wide referrals)


Directed screening Tuberculosis  See Clinician Assist WA: Tuberculosis

Refer to Western Australia Tuberculosis Control Program


 Tuberculosis/non-tuberculosis mycobacterial infections

See Clinician Assist WA: Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a notifiable disease. Report all cases to the Department of Health, preferably withing 24 hours of diagnosis

If there is any suspicion of TB, even if the risk is uncertain, seek advice from the Western Australia Tuberculosis Control Program (

If considering arranging diagnostic testing, seek advice from Western Australia Tuberculosis Control Program (


EMHS is responsible for providing public health services to the people who reside within its boundaries. 

The emhs-catchment-map.pdf ( outlines the suburb catchment areas for East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS). The country areas that flow to EMHS are Kimberley, Pilbara and Wheatbelt.

Referral to a hospital for assessment and/or treatment is based around multiple criteria. These include:

  • Place of residence – most hospitals have catchments to help service people closer to home. For country patients, the residence of family with whom they will reside whilst attending appointments can be taken into consideration.
  • Age – RPH is an Adult Hospital, children are only treated by some hospitals.
  • Hospital location of specialty services – some conditions need designated specialist services that are not available at all hospitals.

Please use this information to guide referrals to the hospital servicing your patient's residence and inform your patients of these criteria when you are referring them for public hospital services via the Central Referral Service (CRS).

Last Updated: 19/12/2024